Archive for July, 2014

Dinosaurs went from small to big and they became the top of the animals that’s a lot of competition so dinosaurs are awesome think how many animals there are to day there was probably ore over 65 mya. That’s  the competition the dinosaurs had but they did it and near to the end early jurassic period. The dinosaurs stopped most animals from evolving then after the dinosaurs got killed the humans took there place.supercroc-vs-dinosaur-688947-xl2 (1)

dinosaur survival

Posted: July 19, 2014 in Uncategorized

Were back and also this  post will be my 30th post on this website and I’m close to 300 views so thank you everybody  now about dinosaur survival. Dinosaurs have to be well suited to survive they had become so well adapted they defeated any other type of creature so they are some of the most powerful creature ever. If you met T-rex deffenceless its almost certain your dead if you met a velociraptor in your car it would still catch you.Jurassic-Park-T-Rex-vs-Triceratops


Posted: July 13, 2014 in Uncategorized

Big or small heavy or light dinosaurs have a cousin, many their cousins don’t look like each other but they have many resemblances over time the first type of DNA will slowly changes as their species reproduce. Take the dinosaur guanlong over millions of  years the guanlong changed into the terrifying T-rex that is strange because guanlong was tiny compared to T-rex  and guanlong had three fingers one got shorter over time. I think that humans evolved because dinosaurs died_41309602_dinosaur2_inf416 out the exstinction let small mammals evolve leting apes evolve then humans so it’s good dinosaurs are gone.