Archive for April, 2016

Dinosaur Brawl wings of war!

Posted: April 24, 2016 in Uncategorized




saas-vs-on-premisearcheopteryx                                                                        Archaeopteryx


This week on dinosaur brawl it’s a war of the wings we have Microraptor the earliest glider in China. We also have Archaeopteryx the first dinosaur to look and act like a bird.Each of them no bigger than a chicken will fight for the first time ever.

 Microraptor the early glider of China fed mostly on bugs and small lizards using its long dense feathers a bit like a hand glider. Unlike other raptors Microraptor used his large back foot claw for climbing not for killing. Microraptor may glide happily through the air,but once on the ground it’s as good as dead but that’s its only weakness.

Any dinosaur fan when told think of a flying dinosaur Archaeopteryx probably comes to mind. practically a primitive bird Archaeopteryx was one of the first impressions dinosaurs had feathers. You can see the resemblance to birds when you look at it some might say it is a bird but no still a dinosaur. Found in Germany in 1861 Archaeopteryx was an amazing discovery.

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Dinosaur brawl 2

Posted: April 16, 2016 in Uncategorized

image_exp_dino001saas-vs-on-premisepentaceratops                       Giganotosaurus                                                                         Pentaceratops

Today on dinosaur brawl our contestants are Giganotosaurus probably the deadliest thing to walk Argentina and Pentaceratops the powerful ceratopsian that once roamed New Mexico. These two will meet for the first time in dinosaur brawl.

Giganotosaurus is one of the largest dinosaurs ever far bigger than Tyrannosaurus Rex and capable of taking on giant sauropods and other huge creatures. Nearly as big as its rival Mapusaurus but even more ferocious with extremely powerful jaws and sturdy structure makes it a competitor for deadliest dinosaur ever. Could this dinosaurs size and strength beat Pentaceratops?

Pentaceratops the tough ceratopsian has the largest skull of any dinosaur. Its name alone means five horned face, built like a battering ram crossed with a tank you don’t want to mess with it. Its speed is impeccable for its weight and that doesn’t just mean land Pentaceratops is a extremely good swimmer so apart for the skies Pentaceratops can goes all terrain.

                                                                             Who will win!                                                                       please leave a comment to see who will win!

Dinosaur brawl!

Posted: April 9, 2016 in Uncategorized

Spino    saas-vs-on-premise    Latest




Spinosaurus                                                                                   Nothronychus 

This duo will meet for the first time in a battle of the claws. Spinosaurus may have terrifying jaws but his real power is in its powerful claws. With its muscular arms Spinosuarus cuts through fish flesh you name it with ease. What makes it even scarier well its known to be the longest carnivorous dinosaur to date ranging 45 to 50 feet in length. Its amazing fishing skills, size and terrifying attributes make it probably the scariest  thing to walk in cretaceous Africa.

Nothronychus is known as the sloth dinosaur as its speed is lacking even though it had the skeletal structure of a theropod while being a herbivore. Being a therizinosaur it inherits gigantic claws probably used in self defence against the dangers of prehistoric New Mexico. Nothronychus’s long neck was used to reach the high leaves on trees.  Its gigantic claws are more than a match for Spinosaurus but its speed could be its down fall in the end.

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